纽约州州长霍胡尔提出了遏制对冲基金购买住房的法律提案,旨在帮助个人买家。 NY Governor Hochul proposes law to curb hedge funds buying homes, aims to aid individual buyers.
纽约州州长凯西·霍胡尔计划提出立法,限制对冲基金购买大量单家庭住房,规定他们必须等待75天才能投标,并限制税收福利。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul plans to propose legislation to restrict hedge funds from acquiring large numbers of single-family homes by requiring a 75-day waiting period before they can bid and limiting tax benefits. 这一举措旨在解决机构投资者正在减少个人买主住房供应的关切问题。 This move aims to address concerns that institutional investors are reducing the housing supply for individual buyers. 霍胡尔公司的提案还包括对初创家庭给予奖励和向首次购房者提供援助。 Hochul's proposals also include incentives for starter homes and assistance for first-time homebuyers.