纽约州州长 Hochul 计划提出法律,限制对冲基金购买单户住宅。 NY Governor Hochul plans to propose laws to limit hedge funds' purchases of single-family homes.
纽约州州长凯西·霍赫尔 (Kathy Hochul) 计划提出新法律,限制对冲基金在该州购买大量单户住宅。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul plans to propose new laws to restrict hedge funds from buying large numbers of single-family homes in the state. 目的是防止这些资金主导住房市场并使普通居民更难购买房屋。 The aim is to prevent these funds from dominating the housing market and making it harder for regular residents to purchase homes. 该立法的细节尚不清楚,但此举反映了对对冲基金对当地房地产市场影响的担忧。 Details of the legislation are not yet available, but the move reflects concerns about the impact of hedge funds on local property markets.