新墨西哥最高法院宣布当地堕胎限制无效,维护州自由法律。 New Mexico Supreme Court invalidates local abortion restrictions, upholding state's liberal laws.
新墨西哥州最高法院废除了保守城市和县对当地堕胎的限制,维护了州自由堕胎法。 The New Mexico Supreme Court struck down local abortion restrictions imposed by conservative cities and counties, upholding the state's liberal abortion laws. 这项一致裁决维持了新墨西哥州的地位,是受禁止的州、特别是得克萨斯州人民的一个重要目的地。 This unanimous ruling maintains New Mexico's status as a key destination for people from states with bans, especially Texas. 法院裁定,州法律阻止地方限制堕胎服务,加强了州对生殖权利的承诺。 The court ruled that state law prevents local areas from restricting abortion services, reinforcing the state's commitment to reproductive rights.