在墨尔本的Caroline Springs被枪杀的男子; 警方搜寻枪手。 Man fatally shot in Caroline Springs, Melbourne; police search for gunman.
一名男子在墨尔本的Caroline Springs被致命枪击身亡,星期四深夜,大约10时30分左右。 A man was fatally shot in Caroline Springs, Melbourne, late Thursday night around 10:30 pm. 急诊部门发现受害人身上有枪伤,将他送往医院,后来他在那里死亡。 Emergency services found the victim with a gunshot wound and transported him to the hospital, where he later died. 警察封锁了该地区,并建立了犯罪现场,找到了手枪和弹壳。 Police have cordoned off the area and established a crime scene, finding a handgun and bullet casings. 枪手仍然逍遥法外,当局正在呼吁提供公共信息和录像。 The shooter remains at large, and authorities are appealing for public information and footage.