周六早上在北墨尔本发现一名男子被枪杀;警方正在调查。 A man was found shot dead in North Melbourne on Saturday morning; police are investigating.
周六早上在北墨尔本发现一名男子死于枪伤。 A man was found dead from a gunshot wound in North Melbourne early Saturday morning. 在凌晨3点15分左右对Langford街的紧急服务作出了反应,但该男子在现场死亡,身份不明。 Emergency services responded to Langford Street around 3:15 am, but the man died at the scene and has not been identified. 警方已将该地区作为犯罪现场,目前正在进行调查。 The police have secured the area as a crime scene, and investigations are ongoing. 当局正在寻求证人或有相关录像的任何人站出来协助调查。 Authorities are seeking witnesses or anyone with relevant footage to come forward to assist in the investigation.