与在悉尼被枪杀的有组织犯罪有关联的男子;警方调查了与燃烧汽车的联系。 Man linked to organized crime shot dead in Sydney; police investigate link to burning car.
一名30多岁的男子与有组织犯罪有牵连,星期天晚上在悉尼Canley高地遭到致命枪击。 A man in his 30s with ties to organized crime was fatally shot Sunday evening in Canley Heights, Sydney. 警方接到枪声警示后发现受害人,尽管救护人员试图救他,受害人还是死了。 Police were alerted to gunshots and found the victim, who died despite paramedic attempts to save him. 后来在附近的郊区发现一辆燃烧的汽车,警方怀疑这些事件是有联系的。 A burning car was later found in a nearby suburb, and police suspect the incidents are linked. 凶杀案警探正在调查 当局正敦促公众 提供任何信息 Homicide detectives are investigating, and authorities are urging the public for any information.