一名男子在温哥华东城市中心被致命枪杀,没有逮捕,调查还在进行中。 A man was fatally shot in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, no arrests, investigation ongoing.
一名男子在温哥华市的东城市中心 在卡尔街和东科尔多瓦街交汇处被致命枪击身亡 A man was fatally shot in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside at the intersection of Carall and East Cordova streets. 事件发生在凌晨3时30分,第一反应者试图救受害者,但他在现场死亡。 The incident occurred at 3:30 a.m., and first responders attempted to save the victim, but he died at the scene. 没有逮捕任何人,枪手与受害人之间的关系仍然不明。 No arrests have been made, and the relationship between the shooter and the victim remains unknown. 调查正在进行中 温哥华警方正在敦促任何有情报的人 与凶杀组联系 The investigation is ongoing, and the Vancouver police are urging anyone with information to contact their homicide unit.