Karen Proud被任命监督加拿大新的杂货行为守则,目的是实现更公平的交易。 Karen Proud appointed to oversee Canada's new grocery code of conduct, aiming for fairer dealings.
加拿大杂货行为守则委员会已任命Karen Proud为裁决人,负责监督该守则的执行情况,目的是促进食品商和供应商之间的公平交易。 Canada's grocery code of conduct board has appointed Karen Proud as an adjudicator to oversee the implementation of the code, aimed at promoting fair dealings between grocers and suppliers. 根据联邦农业部长的说法,该守则定于6月启用,将侧重于处罚和收费,使食品工业更加透明和公平。 The code, set to be operational by June, will focus on penalties and fees, bringing more transparency and fairness to the food industry, according to the federal agriculture minister. 加拿大肥料公司前首席执行官Proud将于3月17日开始她的工作, Proud, former CEO of Fertilizer Canada, will begin her role on March 17 and will foster compliance, provide guidance, resolve disputes, and report on progress. 该守则没有涉及食品零售价格。 The code does not address retail food prices.