澳大利亚制定了立法,强制规定大型超市行为守则,以平衡与供应商的权力。 Australia introduces legislation to mandatoryize a code of conduct for large supermarkets, aiming to balance power with suppliers.
澳大利亚议会于11月27日提出立法,规定大型超市必须执行自愿食品和杂货行为守则。 The Australian Parliament introduced legislation on November 27 to make the voluntary food and grocery code of conduct mandatory for large supermarkets. 此举旨在解决超市和供应商之间的不平衡,违约导致罚款高达1 000万美元,是所获收益的三倍,或年营业额的10%。 The move aims to address the imbalance between supermarkets and suppliers, with breaches leading to fines of up to $10 million, three times the benefit gained, or 10% of annual turnover. 澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会将拥有执行该守则的新权力,目的是为消费者和农民提供更公平的交易。 The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will have new powers to enforce the code, aiming for fairer deals for consumers and farmers.