Fargo团体发起了30-90天计划,打击无家可归现象,以2.5M为目标,增加永久性住房。 Fargo groups launch 30-90 day plan to combat homelessness, targeting $2.5M to boost permanent housing.
Fargo的社区组织正在通过一项30-90天行动计划解决无家可归问题,旨在筹集250万美元,并与住房提供者建立联系,以增加永久住房选择。 Community organizations in Fargo are tackling homelessness with a 30-90 day action plan, aiming to raise $2.5 million and connect with housing providers to increase permanent housing options. 该计划包括筹集资金、与开发商结成伙伴关系以及减少无家可归的人数。 The plan includes raising funds, partnering with developers, and reducing the number of people becoming homeless. 团结之路和F-M消除无家可归联盟认为社区支持可以解决危机。 The United Way and the F-M Coalition to End Homelessness believe community support can resolve the crisis.