Michaels组织在SC的Charleston市中心开发了一个44M可负担得起的住房项目,为无家可归的个人提供70个永久住房,并为65名妇女和儿童提供庇护所。 Michaels Organization develops a $44M affordable housing project in downtown Charleston, SC, offering 70 permanent homes for homeless individuals and a shelter for 65 women and children.
Michaels组织与One80 Place和Spandrel发展伙伴合作,正在SC Charleston市中心开发一个4 400万美元负担得起的住房项目。 The Michaels Organization, in collaboration with One80 Place and Spandrel Development Partners, is developing a $44 million affordable housing project in downtown Charleston, SC. 这栋六层楼将为以前无家可归的个人提供70个永久住所,并为65名妇女和儿童提供一个家庭庇护所。 The six-story building will provide 70 permanent homes for formerly homeless individuals and a family shelter for 65 women and children. 该倡议包括支助服务,资金来自税收抵免和地方资金,确保居民长期负担得起。 The initiative includes supportive services and is financed through a mix of tax credits and local funding, ensuring long-term affordability for residents.