印度ED对特里普拉的突袭针对贩毒者、洗钱者、扣押与Rs 2 Crore相关的文件。 Indian ED raids in Tripura target drug traffickers, money launderers, seizing documents linked to Rs 2 crore.
执法局(ED)对特里普拉进行了突袭,目标是贩毒嫌疑分子和洗钱者,包括一名警官。 The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted raids in Tripura, targeting suspected drug traffickers and money launderers, including a police officer. 这项行动涉及约250名安全人员,在三个区进行,与财务违规和非法毒品贸易有关。 The operation, involving about 250 security personnel, took place in three districts and is linked to financial irregularities and the illegal drug trade. ED在突袭期间没收的与价值2卢比的银行存款有关的文件。 The ED seized documents related to bank deposits worth Rs 2 crore during the raids.