印度安全部队在特里普拉缴获了近40万片甲基苯丙胺药片,价值970万美元。 Indian security forces seized nearly 400,000 methamphetamine tablets worth $9.7 million in Tripura.
特里普拉的安全部队在一次联合行动中缴获了价值78卢比的3.9拉赫甲基安非他明药片。 Security forces in Tripura seized 3.9 lakh methamphetamine tablets valued at Rs 78 crore during a joint operation. 这些从缅甸走私的毒品被从33岁的嫌疑犯Rakesh Miya截获。 The drugs, smuggled from Myanmar, were intercepted from a 33-year-old suspect, Rakesh Miya. 这项行动突出了阿萨姆步枪组织、海关署和特里普拉警察致力于打击贩毒和保护该区域。 This operation highlights the commitment of Assam Rifles, the Customs Department, and Tripura Police to combat drug trafficking and protect the region.