去年弗吉尼亚红洋葱州监狱的六名囚犯自焚抗议恶劣条件。 Six inmates at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison set themselves on fire last year to protest harsh conditions.
去年弗吉尼亚红洋葱州监狱的六名囚犯自焚,抗议恶劣条件,包括据称的虐待、拒绝提供药物和过度单独监禁。 Six inmates at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison burned themselves last year to protest harsh conditions, including alleged abuse, denial of medication, and excessive solitary confinement. 工作人员考虑向囚犯收取医疗费。 Staff considered charging inmates for their medical treatment. 律师们呼吁进行调查,立法者们正在规划立法,以减少对超级设施的使用,并改善条件。 Advocates are calling for an investigation, and lawmakers are planning legislation to reduce the use of supermax facilities and improve conditions.