波多黎各新任总督任命一个能源沙皇, Puerto Rico's new governor appoints an energy czar to tackle the island's severe power outages.
波多黎各新任州长Jenniffer González Colón任命Josué Colón为能源沙皇, 处理岛上严重的电力危机, Puerto Rico's new governor, Jenniffer González Colón, has appointed Josué Colón as an energy czar to address the island's severe power crisis, following a recent blackout that left 3.2 million people without electricity. 波多黎各电力局现任执行主任Colón将监督发电和配电公司。 Colón, the current executive director of Puerto Rico's Electric Power Authority, will oversee power generation and distribution companies. 这一举动旨在管理持续的停电,并确保18亿美元的联邦资金用于电网改进,最初是2017年"玛丽亚"风后分配的. The move aims to manage persistent outages and secure $18 billion in federal funds for grid improvements, originally allocated post-Hurricane Maria in 2017.