美国拨款365百万美元,用于波多黎各的太阳能和电池系统,以改善长期电力问题。 U.S. allocates $365M for solar and battery systems in Puerto Rico to improve chronic power issues.
美国能源部已宣布3.65亿美元用于波多黎各的太阳能和电池储存系统。 The U.S. Department of Energy has announced $365 million for solar and battery storage systems in Puerto Rico. 公共和补贴住房设施将使用1.90亿美元,医疗和透析中心将使用1.75亿美元。 $190 million will be used for installations in public and subsidized housing, while $175 million is for healthcare and dialysis centers. 这笔资金旨在解决因2017年玛丽亚飓风而加剧的该岛长期停电问题。 This funding aims to address the island's chronic power outages, exacerbated by Hurricane Maria in 2017.