一架飞机坠毁在伊利诺伊州Dacy机场的一个机库,损坏了飞机结构,但没有造成人员伤亡。 A plane crashed into a hangar at Dacy Airport in Illinois, damaging the structure but causing no injuries.
一架单引擎飞机于星期三下午1点20分坠毁于伊利诺伊州哈佛戴西机场的机库。 A single-engine plane crashed into a hangar at Dacy Airport in Harvard, Illinois, on Wednesday afternoon, around 1:20 p.m. 飞行员是唯一的机上人员,未报告有人受伤。 The pilot was the only person on board, and no injuries were reported. 用于储存设备和飞机的机库遭到损坏。 The hangar, used for storing equipment and aircraft, was damaged. 联邦航空管理局和地方当局正在调查该事件。 The Federal Aviation Administration and local authorities are investigating the incident. 该机场于1945年开放,提供飞行课程和飞机服务。 The airport, opened in 1945, offers flying lessons and aircraft services.