单引擎飞机在莱特兄弟国家纪念馆第一飞行机场坠毁,造成多人死亡,目前正在进行调查。 Single-engine plane crashed at Wright Brothers National Memorial's First Flight Airport, causing multiple fatalities and an ongoing investigation.
一架单引擎飞机于星期六下午在莱特兄弟国家纪念馆第一飞行机场坠毁,造成多人死亡,包括至少两名经证实的死亡。 A single-engine plane crashed at Wright Brothers National Memorial's First Flight Airport on Saturday afternoon, leading to multiple fatalities, including at least two confirmed deaths. 飞机在试图降落时坠入附近的树林,然后被击中。 The aircraft caught fire after crashing into nearby woods while attempting to land. 机场仍然关闭,国家运输安全委员会和联邦航空管理局正在调查这一事件。 The airport remains closed, and the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating the incident. 纪念碑星期日也将关闭。 The memorial will also be closed on Sunday.