星期四,一架小型飞机在N.J.Lakewood机场跑道附近坠毁,造成四人受伤。 Four people were injured Thursday when a small plane crashed near the runway at Lakewood, N.J., airport.
星期四下午,一架小飞机在新泽西州Lakewood镇市机场跑道附近坠毁,造成四人受伤。 Four people were injured Thursday afternoon when a small plane crashed near the runway at Lakewood Township Municipal Airport in New Jersey. 飞机击中了靠近机场的木林地区的树木。 The plane hit trees in the wooded area adjacent to the airport. 坠机原因和受伤程度不明,导致暂时关闭机场进行调查。 The cause of the crash and the extent of the injuries are unknown, leading to a temporary closure of the airport for investigation.