伦敦警方要求巴勒斯坦游行组织者改变路线, 避免附近犹太教堂在安息日活动。 London police ask Palestine march organizers to reroute to avoid nearby synagogue on Shabbat.
首都警察已要求即将到来的亲巴勒斯坦游行的组织者避免在犹太教堂附近设置一条路线,以防止沙巴巴礼拜会服务中断。 The Metropolitan Police have asked organizers of an upcoming pro-Palestine march to avoid a route near a synagogue to prevent disruption to Shabbat services. 巴勒斯坦团结运动计划于1月18日游行, 目标是英国广播公司在伦敦的广播电台。 The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) plans to march on January 18, targeting the BBC's Broadcasting House in London. 警察警告说,如果不改变路线,他们可能使用公共秩序法,而PSC谴责他们认为侵犯抗议权的行为。 The police warn they may use public order laws if the route isn't changed, while the PSC condemns what they see as an infringement on their right to protest.