法国极右翼全国集会(National Rally)创始人、96岁的让-马里·勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen)去世。 Jean-Marie Le Pen, 96, founder of France's far-right National Rally, has died.
法国极右翼政党国民阵线(现为国民集会)的创始人让-马里·勒庞 (Jean-Marie Le Pen) 去世,享年 96 岁。 Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France's far-right National Front (now National Rally) party, passed away at 96. 勒庞以其对移民的争议观点和反犹太主义言论而闻名,几十年来一直是法国政坛的分裂人物。 Known for his controversial views on immigration and anti-Semitic remarks, Le Pen was a divisive figure in French politics for decades. 他的政党自 2011 年以来一直由他的女儿 Marine 领导,已成为法国政治的重要力量,尽管她与父亲的极端言论保持距离。 His party, led by his daughter Marine since 2011, has become a significant force in French politics, though she has distanced herself from her father's extreme rhetoric. 勒庞在 2002 年总统选举中进入第二轮,然后输给了雅克·希拉克。 Le Pen reached the second round of the 2002 presidential election before losing to Jacques Chirac.