一个备受争议的极右领导人Jean-Marie Le Pen的纪念碑在巴黎吸引了1,000多名与会者。 A memorial for Jean-Marie Le Pen, a controversial far-right leader, drew over 1,000 attendees in Paris.
在巴黎为法国极右政党创始人Jean-Marie Le Pen举行纪念活动, A memorial service for Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France's far-right party and a controversial figure convicted of antisemitism and inciting racial violence, was held in Paris, attended by over 1,000 people including his daughter Marine Le Pen. 在勒庞96岁死亡后,这项服务是在严密的保安下进行的。 The service took place under tight security following Le Pen's death at age 96. 他的遗产引发了截然不同的反应,一些地区举行了庆祝活动,支持者哀悼。 His legacy sparked contrasting reactions, with celebrations in some areas and mourning by supporters.