缅因州州长提出一项两党法案,以防备极端天气,包括家庭补助和复原力办公室。 Maine's Governor proposes a bipartisan bill to prepare for extreme weather, including home grants and a resilience office.
缅因州州长珍妮特·米尔斯 (Janet Mills) 在缅因州提出了一项两党法案,旨在为极端天气做准备,该法案由联邦和现有费用资助,而不是州资金。 Governor Janet Mills has introduced a bipartisan bill in Maine to prepare for extreme weather, funded by federal and existing fees, not state funds. 其中包括1 500万美元的 " 家庭恢复能力方案 " ,提供至多15 000美元的赠款,用于住房改造,以抵御风暴,以及国家恢复能力办公室,以减少风暴破坏。 It includes a $15 million Home Resiliency Program offering grants up to $15,000 for home improvements to withstand storms, and a State Resilience Office to reduce storm damage. 该法案还旨在对缅因州紧急管理署进行投资,并启动洪水修复缅因州方案,使洪水风险数据现代化。 The bill also aims to invest in the Maine Emergency Management Agency and launch a Flood-Ready Maine program to modernize flood risk data.