四人在加拿大康沃尔被捕,罪名是偷运八人越过美国边境。 Four people arrested in Cornwall, Canada, for smuggling eight individuals across the U.S. border.
四人在加拿大康沃尔被捕,涉及跨越加拿大-美国边境的一次人口走私行动。 Four individuals have been arrested in Cornwall, Canada, in connection with a human smuggling operation across the Canada-U.S. border. 在一次交通拦截中,发现有8人被藏在一辆汽车中。 During a traffic stop, eight people were found concealed in a vehicle. 嫌疑人,包括车辆司机和乘客,被控阴谋违反美国法律,定于2月25日出庭。 The suspects, including the vehicle's driver and passenger, face charges of conspiracy to violate U.S. law and are set to appear in court on February 25. 调查涉及多个机构,并可能导致进一步指控。 The investigation involved multiple agencies and may lead to further charges. 当局促请公众报告任何可疑的活动。 Authorities urge the public to report any suspicious activity.