6人在多伦多被捕,罪名是偷窃超过14辆车,面临60多项指控。 Six people arrested in Toronto for stealing over 14 vehicles, facing more than 60 charges.
在多伦多警方对偷盗车辆贩运进行调查后,6人被逮捕,面临60多项指控。 Six individuals have been arrested and face over 60 charges following a Toronto police investigation into stolen vehicle trafficking. 该探测器于8月启动,导致发现14辆被盗车辆,其中一些车辆被拆卸,并扣押了一些物品,包括复制式手枪和全球定位系统干扰器。 The probe, initiated in August, led to the discovery of 14 stolen vehicles, some disassembled, and the seizure of items including a replica handgun and a GPS jammer. 调查涉及加拿大边境服务局,涉及安大略省多个地区。 The investigation involved the Canada Border Services Agency and spans multiple regions in Ontario.