三个蒙特利尔男子 被指控密谋 走私人口进入美国 每人4000美元。 Three Montreal men are charged with plotting to smuggle people into the U.S. for $4,000 each.
加拿大当局指控蒙特利尔的三名男子阴谋将人偷运到美国。 Three men from Montreal have been charged by Canadian authorities with conspiracy to smuggle people into the United States. 嫌犯年龄为24至33岁,据称计划将人运过蒙特雷吉地区无人看守的边境区,每人收取4 000美元。 The suspects, aged 24 to 33, allegedly planned to transport individuals across an unguarded border section in the Montérégie region and charged $4,000 per person. 他们定于2月4日在蒙特利尔的法庭出庭。 They are scheduled to appear in court in Montreal on February 4.