FEV揭幕了CogniSafe,这是一个AI动力系统,用于实时监测司机疲劳症和分心情况。 FEV unveils CogniSafe, an AI-powered system to monitor driver fatigue and distraction in real-time.
FEV是一家领先的车辆技术公司,它开发了CogniSafe,这是一个先进的司机监测系统,使用AI和计算机视觉监测司机状况,如实时分散注意力和疲劳。 FEV, a leading vehicle technology company, has developed CogniSafe, an advanced Driver Monitoring System (DMS) that uses AI and computer vision to monitor driver conditions like distraction and fatigue in real-time. 该系统有助于确保驾驶员能够安全地控制半自治车辆,符合不断提高的安全标准。 This system helps ensure drivers can safely take control in semi-autonomous vehicles, meeting rising safety standards. 它使用摄像头和传感器来分析驾驶员的行为和警惕性,使其对车队运营商和保险公司也有用。 It uses cameras and sensors to analyze driver behavior and alertness, making it useful for fleet operators and insurance companies too.