在最近的一项研究中,IIHS 对特斯拉的自动驾驶仪和其他九种辅助驾驶系统给予“差”评级,没有经过验证的现实安全优势。 IIHS gives "poor" ratings to Tesla's Autopilot and nine other assisted-driving systems in a recent study, with no proven real-world safety benefits.
美国公路安全保险协会 (IIHS) 在最近的一项研究中,对特斯拉的 Autopilot 以及主要汽车制造商的其他九种辅助驾驶系统给予了“差”评级。 The US Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has given "poor" ratings to Tesla's Autopilot and nine other assisted-driving systems from major automakers in a recent study. IIHS 根据碰撞数据,没有发现具体证据表明这些系统具有现实世界的安全优势,并指出自动紧急制动系统具有更积极的记录,数据显示追尾事故减少了 50%,追尾事故减少了 30%。车辆与行人事故。 The IIHS found no concrete evidence that these systems have real-world safety benefits based on crash data and noted that automatic emergency braking systems have a more positive record, with data showing a 50% reduction in rear-end collisions and a 30% decrease in vehicle-pedestrian accidents. 只有一个系统 - Lexus Teammate with Advanced Drive - 获得了“可接受”的评级。 Only one system - Lexus Teammate with Advanced Drive - received an "acceptable" rating.