Cookeville HS学生在家中发现爆炸装置材料后被控告。 Cookeville HS student charged after materials for an explosive device were found at home.
一名库克维尔高中学生被指控拥有制造爆炸装置的部件,因为一名有关公民提供的消息导致普特南县警察局进行了调查。 A Cookeville High School student was charged with possessing components to create an explosive device after a tip from a concerned citizen led to an investigation by the Putnam County Sheriff's Office. 该学生的家被搜查,披露了可能危害公众的材料。 Initially suspended for having a THC vape, the student's home was searched, revealing materials that could harm the public. 田纳西公路巡逻队协助处理这些部件,案件仍在进行中。 The Tennessee Highway Patrol assisted in handling the components, and the case is ongoing.