14岁的Meadowbrook高中学生因用假冒装置的照片给炸弹威胁发短信而被起诉。 14-year-old Meadowbrook High School student charged for texting bomb threat with photo of hoax device.
弗吉尼亚州切斯特菲尔德县Meadowbrook高中一名14岁学生因发送炸弹威胁短信,包括一张照片,怀疑是爆炸装置而被指控。 A 14-year-old student at Meadowbrook High School in Chesterfield County, Virginia, has been charged for texting a bomb threat, including a photo of a suspected explosive device. 当局在学生家中调查并发现了一个非爆炸性骗局装置。 Authorities investigated and found a non-explosive hoax device at the student's home. 该学生因年龄原因姓名仍未披露,面临与炸弹威胁和拥有违禁品有关的指控。 The student, whose name remains undisclosed due to age, faces charges related to bomb threats and possession of contraband. 事件发生之前,当地学校最近受到威胁。 The incident follows recent threats at local schools.