一名Rockvale高中学生被开除,并可能因校园中装有枪而面临指控。 A Rockvale High School student was expelled and may face charges for having a loaded gun on campus.
田纳西州Rockvale高中的一位学生在承认在校园内车辆中装有一把装满子弹的手枪后,被驱逐,并面临可能的指控。 A student at Rockvale High School in Tennessee was expelled and faces potential charges after admitting to having a loaded handgun in their vehicle on campus. 该武器是在搜查该学生的财物后发现的。 The weapon was discovered following a search of the student's belongings. Rutherford县学校区坚持零容忍政策,强调对此类事件作出认真反应并与执法部门合作。 The Rutherford County Schools district, which adheres to a zero-tolerance policy, emphasized their serious response and cooperation with law enforcement in such incidents.