两名学生在非爆炸性爆炸装置造成学校封锁后面临指控。 Two students face charges after a non-operational explosive-like device caused a school lockdown.
在校园内发现类似爆炸装置的非作战物品后,两名志愿高中学生受到指控。 Two students at Volunteer High School were charged after a non-operational item resembling an explosive device was found on campus. 当传闻可能发生爆炸时, 绿色封锁是作为预防措施启动的。 A green lockdown was initiated as a precaution when a rumor about a possible explosive surfaced. 经调查后,执法部门确定该装置无害,解除了封锁,没有关于学生或工作人员受到任何威胁的报告。 After investigation, law enforcement determined the device was harmless, and the lockdown was lifted with no reported danger to students or staff.