赞比亚一名醉酒的警察释放了13名嫌疑人;在新年夜失误后, Drunken Zambian officer frees 13 suspects; manhunt ensues after New Year's Eve blunder.
一名喝醉酒的赞比亚警官,探长Titus Phiri将13名嫌疑人从卢萨卡警察局释放出来, A drunken Zambian police officer, Detective Inspector Titus Phiri, freed 13 suspects from custody at a police station in Lusaka to celebrate New Year's Eve. 嫌犯被指控犯有攻击、抢劫和入室盗窃等罪行,他们已经逃跑,引起搜捕。 The suspects, accused of crimes including assault, robbery, and burglary, have fled, sparking a manhunt. Phiri后来在事件发生后被逮捕。 Phiri was later arrested after the incident. 该案回顾了1997年发生的一次事件,当时一名法官释放了53名未经审判被关押多年的嫌疑犯。 The case recalls a 1997 event where a judge released 53 suspects who had been in custody for years without trial.