8名囚犯在肯尼亚警察车队袭击中逃脱,造成1名警官死亡。 Eight inmates escaped during a Kenyan police convoy attack that left one officer dead.
8名囚犯在枪手在肯尼亚Samburu伏击警察车队并杀害一名警官后逃脱。 Eight inmates escaped after gunmen ambushed a police convoy in Samburu, Kenya, killing one officer. 袭击者可能跟踪车队,开枪射击车辆,导致警员逃跑。 The attackers, possibly tracking the convoy, shot the vehicle, causing the officers to flee. 逃脱者面临谋杀和抢劫等指控,仍然逍遥法外。 The escapees, facing charges like murder and robbery, remain at large. 安全部队正在寻找逃犯和袭击者。 Security forces are searching for both the escapees and the attackers. 事件发生时,警察正将囚犯运送到法庭受审。 The incident occurred as police were transporting the inmates for a court session.