18名绿色和平组织活动人士在联合利华伦敦总部举行抗议活动, 要求废除一次性塑料, 18 Greenpeace activists protested at Unilever's London headquarters, demanding single-use plastic elimination, resulting in 18 arrests.
绿色和平组织活动人士在联合利华伦敦总部抗议,用经过改造的 Dove 产品制成的路障封锁了通道,导致 18 人被捕。 Greenpeace activists protested at Unilever's London headquarters, blocking access with barricades made from altered Dove products and resulting in 18 arrests. 他们要求该公司在十年内消除一次性塑料,从小袋开始,并支持到 2040 年将塑料产量减少 75% 的条约。 They demand the company eliminate single-use plastics within a decade, starting with sachets, and support a treaty to reduce plastic production by 75% by 2040. Unilever承认这一问题,但强调需要进行系统变革,并致力于减少其塑料足迹。 Unilever acknowledges the issue but emphasizes the need for systemic change and is committed to reducing its plastic footprint.