电报在首席执行官被捕后急剧增加与执法部门的数据共享,影响到2 000多名用户。 Telegram dramatically increased data sharing with law enforcement after its CEO's arrest, affecting over 2,000 users.
在首席执行官Pavel Durov在法国被捕后,电报大大加强了与执法部门的数据共享。 Telegram significantly increased data sharing with law enforcement after its CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France. 2024年底,电报局满足了近900项美国数据请求,影响到2 000多个用户,而前九个月只有14项请求。 In late 2024, Telegram fulfilled nearly 900 U.S. data requests, affecting over 2,000 users, compared to just 14 requests in the first nine months. 该公司现在向当局提供用户IP地址和电话号码,标志着其隐私政策发生了重大转变。 The company now provides user IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities, marking a major shift in its privacy policy.