Elon Musk支持Pavel Durov, 批评Mark Zuckerberg, 要求法国逮捕Durov, Elon Musk supports Pavel Durov, criticizes Mark Zuckerberg and calls for Durov's release amid arrest in France.
Elon Musk在法国被捕后支持Telegram创始人Pavel Durov, 指称Durov的平台没有适当调节, Elon Musk supports Telegram founder Pavel Durov after his arrest in France, alleging Durov's platform is not adequately moderated and allowing criminal activities. 马斯克批评Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格没有在Instagram上解决"大量儿童剥削问题",并没有被逮捕. Musk criticized Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for not addressing a "massive child exploitation problem" on Instagram and not being arrested. 包括爱德华·斯诺登在内的其他科技领袖也谴责杜洛夫被捕。 Musk called for Durov's release, and other tech leaders, including Edward Snowden, have also condemned Durov's arrest.