Telegram 更新了内容审核和隐私政策,以允许合法访问用户数据。 Telegram updates content moderation and privacy policies to allow legal access to user data.
电报系统更新了其内容节制和隐私政策,允许当局根据有效的法律请求访问IP地址和电话号码等用户数据。 Telegram has updated its content moderation and privacy policies, allowing authorities to access user data like IP addresses and phone numbers in response to valid legal requests. 首席执行官Pavel Durov指出,这些旨在预防犯罪活动的变革并不是一个重大转变,因为该平台自2018年以来一直与执法部门合作。 CEO Pavel Durov stated these changes, aimed at preventing criminal activity, do not represent a major shift as the platform has been cooperating with law enforcement since 2018. 电报局对用户隐私的承诺依然存在,同时也加强了打击非法内容的节制努力。 Telegram's commitment to user privacy remains, while also enhancing moderation efforts against illegal content.