2023年10月, 反以色列黑客公布机密数据, In October 2023, anti-Israel hackers published classified data, causing severe damage to Israel's cybersecurity infrastructure.
反以色列黑客发表了大量针对军事、国防承包商、医院和政府各部的机密数据, Anti-Israel hackers have published extensive amounts of classified data targeting military, defense contractors, hospitals, and government ministries, overwhelming Israel's cybersecurity infrastructure. 2023年10月7日开始的泄露数据出现在电报上,使以色列当局清除数据的努力复杂化。 The leaked data, which began on October 7, 2023, appeared on Telegram, complicating Israeli authorities' efforts to remove it. 损害的真实程度尚不得而知,但据信泄漏是以色列历史上最严重的。 The true extent of the damage is not yet known, but the leaks are believed to be the most severe in Israel's history. 以色列试图通过法律步骤和与Google、Amazon和Meta等技术巨人直接会谈来减轻损失,而Telegram的创始人Pavel Durov则因平台缺乏节制而被法国当局以逮捕令拘留。 Israel has attempted to mitigate the damage through legal steps and direct talks with tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Meta, while the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was detained by French authorities on an arrest warrant issued over the lack of moderation on the platform.