研究显示,新加坡人可以使用数字工具和智能支出,每月节省高达500美元。 Study shows Singaporeans can save up to $500 monthly using digital tools and smart spending.
Fintech公司ROSHI的一项研究表明,新加坡人可以通过使用数字工具和智能支出战略每月节省高达500新元。 A study by fintech firm ROSHI shows Singaporeans can save up to S$500 monthly by using digital tools and smart spending strategies. 《2025年通货膨胀生存指南》强调在不损害生活方式的情况下,通过优化数字支付、交通选择和食品交付实现节约。 The "Inflation Survival Guide 2025" highlights savings from optimizing digital payments, transport choices, and food deliveries, without compromising lifestyle. 基本开支占家庭预算的63%以上,但采取这些战略可以帮助管理不断上涨的费用。 Essential expenses make up over 63% of household budgets, but adopting these strategies can help manage rising costs.