新加坡家庭月收入中位数连续第二年增长。 Singapore's median monthly household income growing for second consecutive year.
2023年,新加坡家庭月工作收入中位数连续第二年超过10,000新元,名义增长7.6%,但扣除通胀因素后实际增长2.8%。 Singapore's median monthly household income from work surpassed S$10,000 for the second consecutive year in 2023, growing by 7.6% in nominal terms, but rose 2.8% in real terms after adjusting for inflation. 2023年,政府继续推出支持措施,所有住宅类型的每个家庭成员平均每年政府转移支付都会增加。 The government continued to roll out support measures in 2023, with average annual government transfers per household member increasing across all dwelling types. 收入增长速度较上年放缓,但收入不平等继续缩小,基尼系数从2022年的0.437降至0.433。 The pace of income growth slowed from the previous year, but income inequality continued to narrow, with the Gini coefficient dipping to 0.433 from 0.437 in 2022.