不列颠哥伦比亚省的低积雪引起了鲑鱼专家的担忧,因为干旱情况会影响鲑鱼种群。 Low snowpacks in British Columbia raise concerns among salmon experts, as drought conditions can impact salmon populations.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的低积雪引起了鲑鱼专家的担忧,因为干旱条件会影响河流流量和水温,阻塞迁徙路径,增加鱼类压力,从而影响鲑鱼种群,可能导致种群减少。 Low snowpacks in British Columbia raise concerns among salmon experts as drought conditions can impact salmon populations by affecting streamflow and water temperature, blocking migration pathways, and increasing stress on fish, potentially leading to population loss. 公元前 B.C. 目前,该省的干旱级别处于零至五级干旱分类标准中的一至三级之间,对生态系统造成不利影响的情况很少见、不太可能发生或可能发生。 currently sits between level one and three on the province's zero to five drought classification scale, where adverse ecosystem impacts are rare, unlikely, or possible.