研究发现,渔获和释放的渔捞伤害,特别是眼睛受伤,将鲑鱼死亡率提高到40%。 Study finds catch-and-release fishing injuries, especially to eyes, raise salmon mortality up to 40%.
不列颠哥伦比亚大学的一项研究表明,伤害鲑鱼,特别是其眼睛的捕获和释放捕捞做法可能导致更高的死亡率,中国鲑鱼的死亡率高达40%。 A study from the University of British Columbia reveals that catch-and-release fishing practices that injure salmon, especially their eyes, can lead to higher mortality rates, up to 40% for chinook salmon. 研究人员建议使用较小的钩子,避免上岸网,尽量减少鱼的处理,以提高存活率。 Researchers suggest using smaller hooks, avoiding landing nets, and handling fish minimally to boost survival rates. 该研究跟踪了1 500多只鲑鱼,发现仅眼损伤就使死亡率上升20%。 The study tracked over 1,500 salmon and found that eye injuries alone increased mortality by 20%. 它还强调,18摄氏度以上的水温可能会损害鲑鱼。 It also highlighted that water temperatures over 18 degrees Celsius can harm salmon.