皇家Phuket Marina再次获得碳中和地位,在生态友好的奢侈中领先。 Royal Phuket Marina achieves carbon-neutral status again, leading in eco-friendly luxury.
泰国皇家Phuket Marina(RPM)是绿色奢侈品领先者,第二年获得碳中和地位。 Royal Phuket Marina (RPM) in Thailand is a leader in green luxury, achieving carbon-neutral status for the second year. 码头使用太阳能电池板的能量高达38%,使用海滨V5系统收集碎片、清理船只的雨水和太阳能EV充电器。 The marina uses solar panels for up to 38% of its energy, a Seabin V5 system to collect debris, rainwater for boat cleaning, and solar-powered EV chargers. RPM还与环境团体合作,并获得了若干关于可持续性和清洁性奖项。 RPM also collaborates with environmental groups and has received several awards for sustainability and cleanliness.