全世界顶级酒店采用地方净水系统,以减少塑料废物和成本。 Top hotels worldwide adopt local water purification systems to cut plastic waste and costs.
全球顶尖酒店和餐馆正在采用地方净水系统,以减少塑料废物和运输成本。 Top hotels and restaurants globally are adopting local water purification systems to reduce plastic waste and transportation costs. Nordaq、Castalie和Purezza等公司正在现场提供可持续的水解决方案、净化和装瓶当地自来水。 Companies like Nordaq, Castalie, and Purezza are providing sustainable water solutions, purifying and bottling local tap water on-site. 这一转变不仅减少了碳足迹,而且还节省了企业资金。 This shift not only cuts carbon footprints but also saves businesses money. 印度ITC旅馆公司推出了其“零英里”水品牌SunyaAqua,以消除140家旅馆中的单一用途塑料瓶。 Indian company ITC Hotels has launched its "zero-mile" water brand, SunyaAqua, to eliminate single-use plastic bottles in its 140 hotels.