泰国的Saraburi沙箱项目庆祝了迈向低碳城市的一年进展。 Thailand's Saraburi Sandbox project celebrates a year of progress towards becoming a low-carbon city.
在泰国,Saraburi沙箱项目标志着将Saraburi变成低碳城市的第一年,在清洁能源、绿色工业、废物管理等方面取得长足进步。 In Thailand, the Saraburi Sandbox project marks its first year of turning Saraburi into a low-carbon city, with significant strides in clean energy, green industry, waste management, and more. 该倡议由泰国水泥制造商协会和Saraburi省牵头,目标是到2027年减少500万吨二氧化碳。 Led by the Thai Cement Manufacturers Association and Saraburi Province, the initiative aims to cut 5 million tons of CO2 by 2027. 水泥工业通过优化生产、绿色筹资和国际合作做出了贡献,并计划在整个泰国推广和推广成功经验。 The cement industry has contributed through optimized production, green funding, and international cooperation, with plans to expand and replicate successes across Thailand.