在格鲁吉亚的Roswell,一名警官开枪射杀一名男子,据称他在一辆泰瑟枪失败后冲向他。 In Roswell, Georgia, a police officer shot a man who allegedly rushed at him after a Taser failed.
在格鲁吉亚的Roswell,一名警官在Regal Nissan经销商发生对抗时向一名男子开枪,据称该男子冲向他,一名Taser未能制服他。 In Roswell, Georgia, a police officer shot a man during a confrontation at Regal Nissan dealership after the man allegedly rushed at him and a Taser failed to subdue him. 该男子被送往医院,预计会康复。 The man was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover. 格鲁吉亚调查局正在对这一事件进行独立调查,附近公路仍然关闭。 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is conducting an independent investigation into the incident, and nearby roads remain closed.