男子在一个公寓楼内向亚特兰大警官开枪;嫌犯逃跑,正在搜查中。 Man fired at Atlanta police officers at an apartment complex; suspect escaped, search ongoing.
星期六晚上,一名男子在Huff Road的公寓楼内向亚特兰大警官开枪,当时他们回应了据报发生的争端。 On Saturday night, a man fired at Atlanta police officers at an apartment complex on Huff Road, after they responded to a reported dispute. 军官还击,但枪手逃脱。 The officers returned fire, but the shooter escaped. 嫌疑犯的状况和下落不明,警察继续大量搜查该地区。 The suspect's condition and whereabouts are unknown, and police continue searching the area with a large presence. 频道2《行动新闻》网站提供更详细的详情。 Channel 2 Action News is on site for further details.