阿塞拜疆将兵役年龄限制降至31.5岁,以提升有经验的人员。 Azerbaijan lowers military service age limit to 31.5 years to boost experienced personnel.
根据伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统签署的法律,阿塞拜疆已将现役兵役年龄上限从36.5岁降低到31.5岁。 Azerbaijan has reduced the upper age limit for active military service from 36.5 to 31.5 years, as signed into law by President Ilham Aliyev. 《兵役和兵役法》修正案还将尚未完成初始服役的男子的征兵年龄限制从35岁降低到30岁。 The amendment to the "Law On Military Duty and Military Service" also lowers the conscription age limit from 35 to 30 for men who have not completed their initial service. 这一改变的目的是增加阿塞拜疆武装部队有经验的人员的可用性。 This change aims to enhance the availability of experienced personnel for the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.