希腊海岸警卫队在Karpathos拘留了124名移民,这与中东冲突激增有关。 Greek coast guards detained 124 migrants on Karpathos, linking surge to Middle East conflicts.
希腊当局拘留了Karpathos岛上124名使用无标记快艇的移民。 Greek authorities detained 124 migrants on the island of Karpathos who were using unmarked speedboats. 海岸警卫队在主要港口附近发现58名移徙者,在偏僻的北部地区发现66人。 Coast guards found 58 migrants near the main port and 66 in a remote northern area. 一名移民因持有伪造文件而被捕。 One migrant was arrested for having forged documents. 希腊官员将非法移民增加(去年增加了近50%)与中东的冲突联系起来, 叙利亚人是最大的群体。 Greek officials link the rise in illegal immigration, which saw a nearly 50% increase last year, to conflicts in the Middle East, with Syrians being the largest group.